World Gratitude Day September 21st

Can you imagine having a day where you spend each and every minute simply enjoying yourself? Why not try that today? It becomes easier when you approach the day with an Attitude of Gratitude.


Yes, that is the title of my long, running internet radio program, however that is not why I mention GRATITUDE here. Back in 1965, an international gathering of folks in Hawaii, declared that September 21st would be a great day to celebrate why they were grateful. Beginning in 1966, those who had been in Hawaii the previous year, decided to keep September 21st sacred and have continued the celebration ever since. Of course, each year, more and more people have joined in and as a result, the celebration is still going strong.

So, what can you do to express your GRATITUDE?  Dear me, let me count the ways…  You could send flowers to your mother for giving you birth. Take your child out to lunch to thank them for allowing you to be their parent.  Perhaps take your dog for a longer than usual walk, or take the time to play a game of fetch with your “best friend” in the park. Of course you could buy coffee for a crossing guard at a local school or even pick up the tab for someone else at the drive through.

These are all fun things to do and will allow you to show your appreciation to and for others.  However, GRATITUDE doesn’t have to coast a dime. The easiest way to express your GRATITUDE to another, is to simply SMILE and say, THANK YOU.

You could also express GRATITUDE on an even grander scale and not necessarily direct it toward anyone in particular. Commune with nature. Have your lunch outside. Take a walk before you retire for the evening. Hug a tree. Plant a tree. Pick up the litter. Rake the leaves, Weed the flower beds. Meditate on the sunrise. Have a chat with the moon or wish on a star. The more we appreciate this planet, the more we will find on this planet to appreciate!

See, GRATITUDE is an ATTITUDE. What I mean by this is that when we FEEL GRATEFUL for any reason at all, our energy is centered in LOVE. We want to be kinder and gentler. Going out of our way for others becomes so normal that it stops feeling like going out of our way. We spread goodwill simply by breathing. Those who have been in your presence carry that vibration to wherever they are headed. Before you know it, your smile has touched people on the other side of town!

Oh, and embracing an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE can also help YOU be a HEALTHIER being. That’s right. You may feel more relaxed, sleep better, digest your food properly, have more energy and can attract MORE of the things that mirror what you are feeling that has you feeling so darn good!  Doubt it? Try it…

 We talk a lot about what we can do to make this world a better place.  Well, it begins with us, as individuals. The best way to make a change in the world around you is to BE that CHANGE first. The best way to CHANGE is to start with your capacity to experience HAPPINESS. And (your know where I am going with this, don’t you) the best way to start connecting with HAPPINESS is to BE GRATEFUL for even the smallest things.

Ants have their purpose

They remind us of picnics

Picnics make us smile

Thank an ant today

Set out a few extra crumbs

They like picnics too! 

(c) 2016 Annette Rochelle Aben 

 Know that I am GRATEFUL for any way that you CELEBRATE today, WORLD GRATITUDE DAY!  Thank you, so much for all you do, especially for being YOU!

Love, Annette


14 responses to “World Gratitude Day September 21st

  1. Lovely Annette! Today I will wear an smile and atitide of gratitide

    Liked by 2 people

  2. And,, since it’s also the International Day of Peace, why not combine the two? It’s easy to smile at everyone you see so they begin to smile too and hug everyone you can ( ask permission first guys) to show you’ve no malice towards them. If you happen to know a Muslim then make that a hug especially as we’ve no reason at all to hate them since it’s only a few bad apples who hate, just like we have ourselves.
    You can turn this into the best day ever.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a beautiful post and great reminder. It is through even the little things we can show others we are thankful and grateful! Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well said, Annette! It is also International Day of Peace. Peace to you! -Jennie-

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Today, I express gratitude for all the bloggers who have posted something that makes me think, laugh, remember, smile, reflect, energize, create, imagine, see, touch my heart, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful! I am grateful for our friendship, Annette. You touch hearts! 😍❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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