Angel Messages November 16 2020

Your DAILY MESSAGE from Angels


We love you

I am grateful for my education, Angels!!!

17 responses to “Angel Messages November 16 2020

  1. This one hit hard. I received an education during a time when you could actually get one in the public schools and I am indeed grateful.

    I meet people in their 20’s & 30’s who graduated from high school without knowing how to write an intelligible sentence or do math. Our children and grandchildren deserve better.

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  2. Patty L. Fletcher

    Reblogged this on Campbells World.

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  3. I am fortunate in that I got a very good state education, Annette. I am very grateful for it.

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  4. Yes! And we never stop learning!

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  5. My education has given me my life and access to my passion!

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  6. That’s a very good point and I am very thankful indeed!! I was not motivated when I was young but today, I am so thankful for my education. It brought me a long way!

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  7. Thank you for my early education and education through life experiences.

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  8. Grateful and still learning… ❤ xo

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  9. Sometimes mine gets me into trouble Annette, first came the wandering countryside education of childhood, (snakes especially) them majoring in Politics at university and lastly teaching teenagers for decades………..

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