Tag Archives: sunshadows music

Affirmations and a Clean Slate on An Attitude of Gratitude


Affirmations Create an Attitude of Gratitude


Find Your Center in an Attitude of Gratitude


Wednesday, September 21st, 8am EDT ~ Find Your Center in an Attitude of Gratitude. Team Gratitude will always testify that there is something to be said for having an Attitude of Gratitude. Annette Rochelle Aben http://www.annetterochelleaben.wordpress.com and award-winning artist, David A. Martinka http://www.redbellymusic.com & http://www.sunshadows.net may have a variety of creative endeavors but they always balance starting with gratitude. How do you use gratitude to find YOUR ZEN? Stay in touch http://www.blogtalkradio.com/perspectivepower where you can find all our podcasts as well as be reminded of the LIVE programs!



Attichoose an Attitude of Gratitude


Wednesday, June 16th, 8am EDT ~ ATTICHOOSE an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE is what’s going on today on The Perspectivepower Radio Network!  Join Team Gratitude, #1 Best Selling Author, Annette Rochelle Aben and Award-Winning Artist, David A. Martinka for some thought provoking energy designed to center you in gratitude. FOLLOW the network http://www.blogtalkradio.com/perspectivepower & CONNECT on our Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/perspectivepower  David can be found on a couple different sites http://www.redbellymusic.com and http://www.sunshadows.net for terrific FREE DOWNLOADS and awesome Native American Fusion CDs. Annette’s site will direct you to her social media and books! http://www.annetterochelleaben.wordpress.com


Gift Someone Vitamin G

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Wednesday, December 2nd, 8am EST ~ Gift Someone Vitamin G and you will be giving the best present you could.  Because this is something everyone can use regardless of their circumstances, age, gender… well, you get the point here, you can give Vitamin G and feel confident that your gift will honor both you and the recipient. Passing along some Vitamin G to award-winning artist, David A. Martinka, who so generously graces our program with our theme music.  Find him at http://www.redbellymusic.com & http://www.sunshadows.net where he offers you FREE DOWNLOADS and a catalogue of great cd’s for purchase. And of course, plenty of Vitamin G for one and all http://www.facebook.com/perspectivepower and you can catch all the podcasts http://www.blogtalkradio.com/perspectivepower so be sure to CONNECT with us.
