Tag Archives: choose gratitude

Angel Messages April 30 2017

Your Daily Message from Angels…


We love you

Thank you, Angels!

Attitude of Gratitude


Thank you for your attitude of gratitude!  To be unconditionally connected to life makes a big difference in the way we coexist. To say that we can only be happy if and when someone or something else changes, puts our ability to live in gratitude on hold. Our gratitude is within our control. We have the power to determine our attitude, regardless of how life around us is going.

 Affirmation: I choose gratitude because I can!

I appreciate you. Love, Annette Rochelle

A Choice Perspective


Sunday,May 1st, 12pm EDT ~ Actress, Director and Producer, Penny Marshall, provides us this quote: “If you’re not having a good time, find something else that gives you some joy in life!” That sounds like A Choice Perspective to me. Glad you are tuned into The Perspectivepower Radio Network today to explore choosing joy in our lives. Someone who brings a lot of people joy through his music, is award-winning artist, David A. Martinka http://www.redbellymusic.com & http://www.sunshadows.net are his sites, please visit often. Thank you for visiting my site as well http://www.annetterochelleaben.wordpress.com where you are always welcome. Make sure to FOLLOW the network http://www.facebook.com/perspectivepower.


CHOOSE (the 2-step plan)

Here is my book, just released on Amazon and I am honored to say that people are BUYING IT! YAY! But then again, I guess that is why we write, right? RIGHT!
In this book there are 7 choices we can make and for each choice there is an action step to make that choice become a part of our life. These are very positive, life enhancing choices that I have personally made over the years and the action steps are the steps I took to make things happen.
People of ALL ages will be able to relate to this book and I look forward to hearing your success stories once you CHOOSE to use this book! ??????????