Tag Archives: limerick style poetry

What Matters

In conversation, do

Speak of what brightens you

The things that make your day

That, which along your way

Your heart looks forward to

©2024 Annette Rochelle Aben

Baa Choo


Seasonal allergies

Fog the brain, makes one sneeze

Cut the grass, fall asleep

The answer, get some sheep

Who will graze as they please

©2024 Annette Rochelle Aben

Will Finds The

So, it can’t be done, eh

If that’s all you can say

Then simply step aside

Someone else’s voice cried

Let’ us show you the way

©2024 Annette Rochelle Aben

Lips to Hips

Grew up learning to cook

From Grandma’s worn-out book

A nibbler and picker

Watched my waist got thicker

With every taste I took

©2024 Annette Rochelle Aben

Designer Signs

That lightening bug just blinked

A distant star just winked

Someone’s trying to say

They aren’t that far away

Hearts are forever linked

©2024 Annette Rochelle Aben