Tag Archives: thoughts


Is it possible to set an impossible goal when impossible goals are reached because someone believed they were possible?

©2022 Annette Rochelle Aben

Angel Messages Aug 10 2022

Your DAILY MESSAGE from Angels


We love you

Yes, yes they do, Angels!!!

Ode to the Occasion

Words of hopes and dreams

Written on telephone lines

Paper of white sky

Messages no one can see

Only felt by mourning doves

©2022 Annette Rochelle Aben

pack a lunch

Take a moment to think

Of the things you’ve never

Ever thought of ever

Could take awhile

©2021 Annette Rochelle Aben

Attitude of Gratitude May 27 2020

Thank you, for your Attitude of Gratitude:

Thinking of ourselves as powerful is considered, by some, to be a sign of ego. But thinking is where the power resides!

Affirmation: My thoughts are powerful and I nurture those that I wish to have more power!

I love you, Annette Rochelle Aben