Publish The Book You’ve Already Written, Your Blog Posts

Had an interesting email conversation the other day. A fellow blogger was asking how I felt about them using their blog posts as material for books they would publish. I was totally supportive!

Their biggest concern was that people had already seen it, so what would be the point of putting it into a book. A most thought provoking statement indeed,  but once again, I did not see that as an issue.

Let’s say that you, like me, have written poetry and that you, like me, have already used that poetry on your blog. Even if you have thousands of followers, I can guarantee you that not all of them have seen everything you have posted. I can also guarantee that everyone you know or are related to, cannot be counted among those who follow your blog, or who have read your posts. So, it’s not like millions of people have already read what you have written and might be a bit “over it.” Putting some, if not all, of what you have blog-lished (my term for publishing on a blog) into book form,  is a great use of your material. It’s stood the test of time and it’s yours to do with whatever you wish. I’ll just bet that those who have read what you have posted are some of your biggest fans and would be most supportive of you creating a book from your blog posts! 

Finding content, seems to be the biggest stumbling block for those wanting to write a book. There are a myriad of publishing options available. By that I mean, there are several self-publishing companies, vanity presses and traditional publishing houses out there, all you need to do, is have something to submit. By taking your blogs posts and with some editing, you can most definitely create a book, ready for publication.

Still not convinced? Okay, I didn’t want to have to do this…  Of the 9 books I have self-published to date, 3 of them are straight from my blog. All 3 of my Haiku Perspective books contain the poems I used in haiku challenges which  were posted on this blog. Yes, I added some additional haiku, because I could (well because I had written them and didn’t know what else to do with them).  They rounded out the books. It made creating content easy because I created the content a bit at a time.

With the first book, I was thinking that it would be a wonderful way to share what I had written with my family and friends who might not have any other way of reading my haiku. After that, I actually planned to publish a haiku book each year, using my blog content.





When it came time to write the second book, I was geeked to see it in print and found something else really cool to do with my haiku books. Because the poetry is relatively short in nature, it is easy to read. So, I put a copy in my Doctor’s waiting room. People who didn’t know me would stop me from time to time and comment on how much they enjoyed reading the haiku, especially because they weren’t sure what it even was before picking up one of my books. One man even said, “Know why I like this? Because these poems are short. I can stop when I want and continue reading where I want without feeling I am missing anything.”  High praise, indeed.

 Because I used everything I wrote in 2016 for the 3rd book, I rang in the new year by laying it out. No, I didn’t get it done in one day but it gave me something exciting to look forward to without the party mess to clean up or leaving me with a hangover. What made putting this book together so special, was that it was, by far, the longest book I had written, to date. I felt so accomplished.



Perhaps this inspires you to use your blog content to create a book (or two). I’d be happy to help you with that, if you feel the need to have someone coach you through the process.  Reach out to me via the contact information here on my blog and let’s help you publish the book you’ve already written!





43 responses to “Publish The Book You’ve Already Written, Your Blog Posts

  1. S.K. Nicolas has done this with his book, A Journal for Damned Lovers, and he too has a WP blog.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    Great suggestion from Annette, however, please do NOT use Amazon Kindle Select Program (KDP) while the material is in the public domain elsewhere – including on your own blogs.
    See what happened to Seumas Gallacher:

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Thank you for this informative post, Annette. I agree with you as regards people who haven’t read your blog (or at least not all of it’s contents) being able to enjoy posts in book form. 2 of my local pubs have mini libraries and I always leave a copy of my books there. Likewise the waiting room in my local station has a bookcase, which contains copies of my works.
    Another good reason for publishing blog content in book form stems from the impermanent nature of online material. Websites can be subject to cyber attacks at any time and even established blogging/internet platforms may cease to exist. Having a print copy of your writings ensures that they will survive. Also there is something special about holding your work in your hands, it somehow seems real in a way in which internet content does not. However the latter statement may flow, in part at least from the fact that I am 48 so remember the days when physical books ruled more or less supreme.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Thank you, Annette! I have been thinking about this for quite a while. It makes perfect sense. There is no way that the majority of my blog followers have read all my posts. Thanks for thinking the same way that I’m thinking. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love this! When I published a post with links to my most helpful blog posts, I looked at the links and was like hmmm? It would be great to publish these to a book. I have already started to gather them. This post is confirmation!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks so much for posting this. I have long considered whether to collect my blog post in a book. I did have the concern that people who follow my book will have already read them, but yeah… we are amiming for MORE readers, right? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Annette,
    Your idea to compile your posts into books is a great idea. I too used some of my posted blog art to create my Faith, Hope & Love Coloring book. I liked your idea too of leaving a copy in a doctors office. The review of appreciation from that gentleman was inspiring to read. It confirms you’re on the right path. 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Tracy. I am convinced that people would like to read what we publish but sometimes we get lost in a sea of so many other books. By leaving the books around where people can find them, they are able to do what I created them to do and that is to reach people! ❤


  8. I so agree with what you say, Annette. I published all but one of the short stories in my first book on my blog and had no problem doing so. As you say, new people join our audience almost every day and often don’t delve into the archives of our blogs. That’s another reason why I enjoy republishing some of my blog posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. How did you know I was having ‘winner, winner, chicken dinner’, tonight? 😀

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  10. Reblogged this on Don Massenzio's Blog and commented:
    Here is a great post by Annette Rochelle Aben with some great advice for authors.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A very helpful and informative post, Annette. I am writing a book of the memories of four generations of my family, my Hubbies granny (age 95), My Mom (age 78), myself (ageless – smile) and my boys. I am posting some of these memories on my blog as it helps me see what works the best and how receptive people are to my ideas. Hugs.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Reblogged this on poetry, photos and musings oh my! and commented:
    This idea is too good not to pass on…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I actually began my blog as a way of inspiring me to work on my books and get them out there – so this post immediately caught my eye.

    However, after reading Chris’s comment and following the link to Seamus’ post, I’m no longer considering publishing with Amazon!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • In a way, I can understand why they are doing this on KDP Select. It’s all about $$. However, I do not agree with it. Had I realized, I would have made different choices when creating Kindle versions of my books. The thing is, we do NOT have to choose to use the “select” option. And perhaps, one day, I will no longer publish with them either.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Still, I feel compelled to let them know how their overly-restrictive policies are landing out here, at least with me and what I’m reading in the comments – which is not well.

        CLEARLY the Amazon rule-guards do not understand the blogging community *at all* – or how book marketing actually works since the advent of the blog.

        It seems all about THEIR money – authors be damned – and if it’s not win-win, I find it obnoxious.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Annette Rochelle Aben reminding us that your blog content of short stories and poetry or even a series on health can be converted to Ebooks. I have shared my three short story collections on my blog before publishing. Just a note of warning as mentioned by The Story Reading Ape, you cannot sign up to Amazon KDP and have shared the content elsewhere.. Even though I am my own publisher and have no affiliation with Amazon other than a book seller, they still chase me from time to time. It is an excellent idea and it also gives you instant feedback. If your readers enjoy your work then others will too.. Head over to Annette to read her post and also the comments from those who have already done so.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Interesting and thought provoking post Annette – as we always have so much content to work through from other people’s excellent blogs it would seem to make perfect sense to compile subjects together and enjoy then at leisure.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! Sometimes I think we make our lives harder than they need to be. Writers will angst over the worry of whether or not they CAN write. When it’s right there in front of you, it’s a matter of simply taking the next step. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  16. I think this is an excellent idea, Annette! Thank you! Your blog after all is your showcase of expertise. I would like to write some non-fiction, and this may >be the perfect way to get started… perhaps by first checking out my most popular posts to date.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I’m a foodie too and even began a cookbook some years ago. Then my pc died and I lost most of what I’d written. Maybe it /is/ time to revisit those recipes. Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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