Tag Archives: blue skies

Haiku 2/25/24

Tree branches budding

Scurrying small black squirrels

White wisps in blue sky

©2024 Annette Rochelle Aben

Thankful Thursday Aug 10 2023

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for BLUE SKIES!

What are YOU thankful for?

Thank you, for your Attitude of Gratitude

I love you, Annette Rochelle Aben

First Full Day

Clear blue wrapped around clouds

Winged blackbirds disappear

Wind’s song is sweet and clear

Summer’s happy

©2023 Annette Rochelle Aben

Angel Messages Apr 1 2023

Your DAILY MESSAGE from Angels


We love you

Yes, yes they do, Angels!!!

Haiku 3/3/22

Blue sky striped with white clouds

Robins chasing each other

Trees starting to bud

©2022 Annette Rochelle Aben