Tag Archives: #tankatuesday

Step Five

flowers petals blooming still life

My KIGO word for this week’s #tankatuesday challenge hosted by COLLEEN CHESEBRO, is RAINBOWS! Join the challenge (link below) and have some fun (you know you want to)

Go ahead, chase rainbows

Nature calls you to bloom

Marrying bride to groom

in loving hearts

©2024 Annette Rochelle Aben


Daffy Days

My KIGO phrase for this week’s #tankatuesday challenge hosted by Colleen Chesebro is SPRING THAW. As I love daffodils, I look forward to seeing them decorating the spring green grasses any day now!

Shovels and rakes await

The Spring thaw’s arrival

To ensure survival

Of blooming bulbs

©2024 Annette Rochelle Aben


Holly and Ivy

For this week’s 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, hosted by Colleen Chesebro, I chose the seasonal words, WINTER CLOUD and ICE to craft my abhanga poem. CLICK the link below to join the fun and to FOLLOW Colleen’s blog!

Winter clouds promise snow

Ice forms on greenery

Sparkles white scenery

Bright red berries

©2023 Annette Rochelle Aben


Marshmallow Free Zone

At our house, it is Thanksgiving week. We have a much more pared-down menu from what we grew up having every year. Baked sweet potatoes are the biggest change! Thank you to Colleen Chesebro for this opportunity to write a syllabic poem in celebration! My seasonal words (kigo) are sweet potatoes and gratitude.

Smell those sweet potatoes

Tummies in gratitude

For family and food

Come, fill your plate

©2023 Annette Rochelle Aben


Haiku 11/09/23

In response to this week’s #tankatuesday challenge hosted by Colleen Chesebro, The Beginning of Winter, I composed a Haiku using the seasonal words (kigo) BARE TREES and LONG NIGHTS.

Landscapes of bare trees

Long nights call the world to rest

Life behind the scenes

©2023 Annette Rochelle Aben
