Daily Archives: November 21, 2017

Tanka from the Bottom of my Heart

Well, I have been wanting to do this for quite sometime and FINALLY I have accomplished something very special.  Announcing the release of my latest book!


Life is alive with poetry; all the sights, sounds and smells. Blend it all together in your mind and you will begin to sing songs in your heart. You deserve a reason to smile, to feel good while pondering the magic of your world. You are closer than you think.

Open, A Tanka Picture Book! Consider the story each picture shares through its visual. Enjoy how each is enhanced with a tanka poem. Engage your senses while on a journey of passionate creativity. To feel the excitement found in even the simplest of sights is why A Tanka Picture Book was created.

Tanka is a form of traditional Japanese lyric poetry that uses 31 syllables spread out over 5 lines, to convey its message. The word “tanka” translates to “short song.” The short songs of this book elevate what may be considered average, to a new level of appreciation by connecting imagination and emotion.

Those wishing to be inspired, those seeking an uplifting read and those who are simply curious to see if they might enjoy poetry will love A Tanka Picture Book. You can add this happy, little book to your print or electronic libraries. Be sure to pick-up an extra copy for someone who can use a thoughtful gift.




get lost

When you close your eyes

Find a world that inspires

Your wildest dreams

Claim it for your own

Allow yourself to explore

The depths of your soul

©2017 Annette Rochelle Aben

Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge Thanks & Family

Bowing heads for grace

Everyone feels the blessings

In their grateful hearts

Their love helps them form a tribe

The experience bonds them

©2017 Annette Rochelle Aben

Colleen’s 5 Week Poetry Challenge

Angel Messages November 21 2017

Your Daily Message from Angels…


We love you

Thank you, Angels!!!