Tag Archives: Indie Author

Autumn Reading – Booku – Halloween Haiku by Annette Rochelle Aben

So honored to be featured on Sally Cronin‘s blog this week. My book, BooKu is LIVE right now in print as well as in Kindle! Reblogged from Smorgasbord Invitation. CLICK THROUGH to the ORIGINAL POST.

Today the featured book is another visual and Haiku treat from Annette Rochelle Aben and as Halloween approaches it is the perfect gift for family and friends. Here is Booku – Halloween Haiku…

Source: Autumn Reading – Booku – Halloween Haiku by Annette Rochelle Aben

bumbershoot salute


Appearing out of nowhere

Drifting through the sky

Touching down on leaves

Sliding down thirsty grass blades

Into the parched earth

Filling dry bird baths

Beading up on fresh waxed cars

Sudden summer rain

©2016 Annette Rochelle Aben

Check it Out!



So, I have a great new reason to visit my local library, in fact, three great reasons!  Today, I received an email from Liz Waun, the Adult Literacy Program Coordinator at our library, informing me that all three of my self-published books will be available for check out by the patrons.  The Local Author Collection is a brand new service being provided by the library and I am honored to be one of the first authors whose books were accepted.


When the library had the book signing/author event back on October 17th of this year, we were handed a form to submit with one of our books for the expressed purpose of being included in this collection. I was allowed to submit all three of my books, each with their own form. We were told it could be 1-2 months for the decision to be made but it did not take that long.

It is so cool that each new book I write can be submitted at any time. And they do not have plans to rotate books out of circulation, once they are in that collection, they are there.  I also asked if anyone throughout our state (I live in Michigan) could go to their library and request my books and was told YES!  This means that my family and friends can check my books out of the Westland Public Library without having to drive here because the books will come to them.

Once the section is complete, I will be able to go in and take photographs of something I never dreamed I would see, books I’ve written, available for check out at the library!  Check it out

http://www.westlandlibrary.org  the on-line catalog will feature a listing of the books in the Local Author Collection

My heart is so happy and I am as grateful as I can be to Liz Waun and Andy Schuck, Head of Youth Services of the William P. Faust Public Library of Westland, Michigan for this opportunity.

PerspectivePerspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another




ChooseChoose, the 2-Step plan and




A Haiku PerspectiveA Haiku Perspective are all available for purchase through my Author Central page at this link:


Book Me for October!


Did you know that, here in the United States, there is a National Day on Writing?  I didn’t either until I received an invite from the local library to participate in their month long festivities.  The celebration will include displays of books written by local authors, a meet-and-greet and a book signing event!

Back in 2009, the National Council of Teachers of English, established October 20th as the National Day on Writing.

The purposes of this day were to:

1 – Highlight the remarkable variety of writing we engage in everyday

2 – Provide a collection for research on whether writing today has risen to new highs or sunk to new lows

3 – Help us help others to write better.

WWLib-1 So, the Westland Public Library has offered several local, published authors to submit a book of their choosing which will be placed in a display case for the entire month of October. On Saturday, October 17th, there is a meet-and greet as well as a book signing where the authors are welcome to sell their books.

?????????? I chose to submit my book, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another. This is a book of poetry, prose and photographs of mine, which were all chosen to help one shift their perspective should they so desire.  And I have arranged to share a table with another local author (whose book will be on display as well) for the book signing.

This is so exciting and I look forward to being able to share my book, learn about other local authors and say that I have one of my books in a library!

http://www.amazon.com/author/annetterochelleaben is my Author Central Page, where Perspective can be found.  Perspective is available in both paperback and Kindle editions.

Of course, I can be contacted directly for autographed copies. So by all means, reach out!