Daily Archives: March 11, 2021

Lost But Now Found

Charli Mills asked to address a DEEP WISH this week for her Flash Fiction challenge at the Carrot Ranch

She felt her knees giving away as she walked up the crumbling concrete stairs. What on earth was she thinking anyway? Rejection might be only a few moments away which was not why she was there.

It took a minute for her to figure out that the door was a push and not a pull. Once inside the building, there were more stairs. She could run. Now would be the time.

The older woman in the wheelchair watched the younger woman come down the hall. As their eyes met for the first time, she whispered, “Candace, I’m your mother.”

©2021 Annette Rochelle Aben

fluffer nutter

Ah, squirrel tails are filled

With tales of mysteries

Of what they hide in trees

They’ll never tell

©2021 Annette Rochelle Aben


Attitude of Gratitude March 11 2021

Thank you, for your Attitude of Gratitude:

Tears seem to arrive at the worst possible moment. Generally, when you have no tissues and are too embarrassed to ask for some. But they offer such cleansing properties for your heart, mind, and soul.

Affirmation: Tears are my friend!

 I love you, Annette Rochelle Aben

Angel Messages March 11 2021

Your DALY MESSAGE from Angels


We love you

What a great idea, Angels!!!