Tag Archives: carry a poem

Poem In Your Pocket Day April 18th


The premise behind this day was to give people the opportunity to share a bit of themselves with others using poetry as the vehicle.  Of course for the writers, it would be kinda cool to share something that they, themselves wrote but you can always just carry your favorite by anyone in your pocket. How cool, to have a poem at the ready to recite or hand to someone you meet along the way.  Perhaps someone needs cheering or you are having coffee with a friend and you want them to hear your latest creation; then whip that poem out and take the floor! (of course if you take the floor, you had better be ready to replace it)

So, I have decided to keep a particular poem in my pocket today. This is from the very first book I ever self-published, Perspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another. It doesn’t have a title but that’s okay, neither do I.


the smiling wind courted the laughing tree

oh, the magic that came to be

dancing leaves flirted from branches so lithe

pure joy’s celebration coming alive

bashful breeze played hide and seek

shifting in a flash from bold to meek

curious clouds floated gently down

as the clear blue sky pulled itself around

wind’s song grew stronger

and tree’s dance lasted longer

then slowly, softly, the wind came to rest

in tree’s glorious crown it decided to rest

sun beamed blessings heartily

upon the courtship of the smiling wind

and the laughing tree

(c) 2009, 2015 Annette Rochelle Aben 

What poem do you have in your pocket today?
