Tag Archives: eBook

Son of BOOKU receives a new review

Thank you to the lovely Sally Cronin for a terrific review of Son of BOOKU

(click on the link below)


Be sure to FOLLOW Sally Cronin for entertaining stories, beautifully crafted poetry, insightful information, wonderful podcasts, and YOUR OPPORTUNITY to promote your books and blogs!

Get YOUR COPY of Son of BOOKU here:



Thank you, Frank

Woo hoo!  A couple days ago, I posted,  Birthday Wishes  which was all about what I wanted for my birthday.  What did I ask for? Well, you could just click on the link and find out, but, basically, I asked for REVIEWS for the books I have written and published.

Then, I created another post, Let’s Get This Party Started offering an eBook version of the first book I ever self-published, at a Kindle Countdown price of .99.

Here is the book, and here is the 5 STAR REVIEW posted on Amazon, by Frank Hubeny

 A Blessing from the Heart – September 28, 2017

 “This is a book of inspirational poems, prayers or blessings. They have a nice sound and they often contain rhyme. Some are acronyms where the first letter of the words spells out the message underlying the other words. The blessings are all positive as good blessings should be.

 The author has other books, maintains a blog and writes at the online The Magic Happens Magazine. So there are other opportunities to read more of her writing

 The ebook is laid out in an interesting way. Unlike a poetry book, which is what I thought this was initially. Each poem is not on it’s own page nor are there titles for the poems individuating them. If they were laid out in that manner, the book would have perhaps three times as many pages in it. These writings are more fluid than isolated poems which makes me think they are not really poems although one might be able to pick them apart like that. So I changed my perspective and experienced them as prayers or meditations that interweave and become one blessing inviting the reader to make even more changes in perspective.”

Thank you, Frank, for your purchase and this lovely review  I am touched that you found a special way to connect with the book AND that you enjoyed enough to share with others via your review.  MOST appreciated.

For those who have yet to experience Perspective it’s all about replacing one thought with another, it will be .99 until Oct 4th. And here is the Direct Link  to get YOURS and where you can go to leave a REVIEW once you have the opportunity!

It’s the Write Thing to Do

Open a window To the world

Give a book as a gift

In the United States, October 20th is National Day on Writing. This day celebrates not only the talent of writing but encourages those who do write, to perform that task to the best of their ability.

In recognition of this day, I am making a suggestion; gift someone a book.  This could be someone you know or even someone you have never met, nor may ever meet.  As books come in many forms, this could be a physical book, an eBook or even an audio book.  Keep in mind there are many who are sight challenged and a braille book would be a delightful gift to receive.

Why do I invite you to share in this manner? Books speak to the imagination, often they touch our hearts and can stir the soul. They teach us to cook, encourage us to think and understand us in ways those around us cannot.

Yes, I am a published author and it would my honor to have you gift any of the books I have written.  However it matters more to me that you find at least one book, even if that book comes from the bargain bin at the local “everything for a buck” store, and present it to someone with joy and excitement. Believe that your gift will open a window to the world!
