Tag Archives: Persepctive it’s all about replacing one thought with another

Books Make Great Gifts

Well, here it is…


and that means that millions of us will be scouring the internet looking for goodies for everyone on our holiday gifting lists.

I have a terrific suggestion!

Come on now, every one of us knows someone who enjoys reading.  What a fabulous way of showing you care, by giving the gifts of




all wrapped up in a package they will enjoy opening again and again!

Whether you (or they) prefer paperback or Kindle, there are gifts a plenty waiting for you at my:

Amazon Author Central Page

Thank you for the support of not only my books, but literacy as well.  Because books DO make great gifts and everyone deserves a great gift! 


expanding horizons

3DAHaikuPerspective 2016

Whisper to the wind

Hear the reply in your heart

Calling you to grow

Reach out from your soul

Wink at the clouds floating by

Feel nature smile

©2016 Annette Rochelle Aben

morning magic


The moon waved goodbye

Sunshine woke to singing birds

Flowers smiled colors

©2016 Annette Rochelle Aben




Check it Out!



So, I have a great new reason to visit my local library, in fact, three great reasons!  Today, I received an email from Liz Waun, the Adult Literacy Program Coordinator at our library, informing me that all three of my self-published books will be available for check out by the patrons.  The Local Author Collection is a brand new service being provided by the library and I am honored to be one of the first authors whose books were accepted.


When the library had the book signing/author event back on October 17th of this year, we were handed a form to submit with one of our books for the expressed purpose of being included in this collection. I was allowed to submit all three of my books, each with their own form. We were told it could be 1-2 months for the decision to be made but it did not take that long.

It is so cool that each new book I write can be submitted at any time. And they do not have plans to rotate books out of circulation, once they are in that collection, they are there.  I also asked if anyone throughout our state (I live in Michigan) could go to their library and request my books and was told YES!  This means that my family and friends can check my books out of the Westland Public Library without having to drive here because the books will come to them.

Once the section is complete, I will be able to go in and take photographs of something I never dreamed I would see, books I’ve written, available for check out at the library!  Check it out

http://www.westlandlibrary.org  the on-line catalog will feature a listing of the books in the Local Author Collection

My heart is so happy and I am as grateful as I can be to Liz Waun and Andy Schuck, Head of Youth Services of the William P. Faust Public Library of Westland, Michigan for this opportunity.

PerspectivePerspective, it’s all about replacing one thought with another




ChooseChoose, the 2-Step plan and




A Haiku PerspectiveA Haiku Perspective are all available for purchase through my Author Central page at this link:
